We’ve combined notes from the last two product updates in this post, which include product update #19 released on 10th July 2018, and product update #20 released on 30th July 2018.
If you’re looking for something specific, check out the list of updates in this release:
Additional fields within Coyote Market
We’ve added more fields to Key Stats, enabling you to add more information without uploading a model.
Even once you’ve uploaded a model, you can now continue to edit some of the Key Stats.
We’ve also added some additional fields relating to development assets.
See the screenshot below for an outline of the new fields we’ve added:

Changes to assets summary tables in Coyote Managed
When viewing the Fund, Country and Contact dashboards, we have now updated the list of assets to show only the Held assets by default.
You can tab across to view previously Sold assets.
If you pick a date in the past, Future Acquisitions will display assets which had not yet been acquired, based on the context date that you’ve selected.
New free text commentary at Unit level in Coyote Managed
If configured for your company, you can now add free-text commentary at Unit level, which was previously only possible at Asset and Fund level. Just click on the unit name within the asset tenancy schedule, and edit the unit page by clicking the three dots.
Ability to delete offices in Coyote People
As a precursor for a string of work that we’ve got lined up for the Coyote People module, you can now delete offices, as long as you’ve reassigned all contacts to another office.
Arrears just got even better
Arrears information has now been added to all dashboards in Coyote Managed, so whether you want to view the details of a specific unpaid invoice, or see all of the arrears in a fund grouped by Asset, Tenant or even Credit Controller, we’ve got you covered.
Arrears is enabled on a client-by-client basis, so if you do not see arrears yet, please speak to your internal administrator at Coyote or your Client Services Manager.
Reporting in Excel
All reports in Coyote can now be created in Excel format, so if you’d like to discuss the creation of a new set of reports, get in touch with Johnnie today.
New fields in tenancy schedule, in Coyote Managed
New fields have been added to the managed assets tenancy schedule, including:
- Average contract rent
- Average passing rent
- Rent-free (annualised amount)
- Rent-free end date
- Average ERV
- Service charge
- Average service charge
- Insurance
- Average insurance
- Unit notes
- Tenant notes
What else is new?
There are a series of additional fields in Coyote Market which can now be reported on, including introduction agents and contacts.
The sector of your assets is now displayed in managed asset detail and managed unit detail.
In this update, we’ve also added the ability to display the sales price of an individual asset and squashed more pesky bugs.
Request a new feature in Coyote
If there’s a specific feature you’d like to see in a future version of Coyote, please get in touch with your Client Services team.