Duplicate Assets | Market
When adding a new asset to Coyote Market, potential duplicates will be flagged.
This is to ensure that you don’t add the same asset to Coyote twice.
When a potential duplicate is flagged, you will be given the opportunity to create a new record, or alternatively, to review the existing record and enter additional information.

“Rates” Fields | Managed
Exposure to rates can affect the performance of an asset, so we’ve created two new fields to help you log your business rates more effectively.
In Coyote Managed, you’ll now see two new fields at unit level:
- Rateable Value
- Rates Payable
Adding these fields to your account may require additional integration work, so please speak to your Client Services Manager if you’re interested.
Submit a request
Each new release involves back-end improvements and fixes, but as always, it’s the feedback from our user community that drives a lot of new features. We love to hear your feature suggestions, so complete the form below or get in touch with your Client Services Team.
Technical support is available via support@coyote.co.uk.